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Bright Thinking Training Virtual Training Expresso Sessions

As with many businesses, BTT is having to make adjustments to how we deliver our training services, in line with COVID 19 restrictions. This includes the development of a suite of Virtual Training Sessions, which have been receiving excellent feedback due to the ‘short burst’ focussed learning, convenience and cost effectiveness of this approach.

We are excited to offer you a growing range of titles, which can be entirely flexible to your needs.

Give Susan a ring to have a more detailed chat about any of the sessions (and please let us know if you can’t find what you’re looking for!)

Mob: 07841986506 email:

What is a Virtual Training Expresso Session?

Due to the challenging times we are living in, we are all having to look at how we ensure our businesses continue to function effectively. This includes ensuring there is adequate training provision, to meet the development needs of our employees.

Virtual Training Expresso Sessions (VTES) aim to replicate, as closely as possible, face to face training but over a much shorter period of time.
Our VTES, are interactive, engaging and fun. They provide the opportunity to ask questions, discuss issues and share good practice and offer a whole host, of interactive elements.

Here are just some of the features, we can use to enable participants to learn effectively and stay fully engaged:

  • Pre-workshop questionnaires/Pre-workshop Learning Outcomes Review

  •  Pre-work for the VTS eg. Reading, Skills Assessments

  •  LIVE discussion/LIVE voice Q&A

  •  Video presenter/Animation

  •  Assessments and quizzes

  •  Whiteboards & LIVE polls

Number of participants: Usually 10

Duration: Generally 90 Minutes

NB. Some companies are preferring 10am -12noon 1 hour for lunch then another session 1pm – 3pm which will enable a more in depth training session

Certification: Participants will receive a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificate

Titles of our most in demand sessions now follow. Drop us an email if you would like more details of session objectives/learning outcomes and workshop outline.

Returning to the Work Place and Re-Building your Team


There is no doubt that Covid 19 has changed our lives. As the nation prepares to return to the workplace, it is important for Managers, to think about how they can apply Government guidelines and reassure their teams they are returning to a supportive and caring environment. People will be returning to work in a different state of mind, than when they left, at the start of lockdown. Manager need to think more broadly than just safety compliance measures. How will you provide the support individuals need to re-build your team into a happy and high performing unit?

Managing your ‘Home Working’ Team


For many people working from home was a privilege, which not all businesses actively encouraged. However, due to Covid19, we’ve suddenly been thrust into a new way of working. This can feel daunting, for the team and the manager.

Juggling family and work commitments, as well as adapting to a whole new working set up can be difficult, for all concerned. For the manager, ensuring your team is still performing at their best, hitting targets and generally ‘pulling their weight’ in order for the business to survive is additional pressure.

This VTES is designed to help you manage and support your team in these changing times.

How to Improve your Virtual Sales Meetings with Clients


Leading virtual client sales meetings was a skill not all of us had developed prior to COVID-19. However, since lockdown, many of us have realised, how many more client meetings we can undertake, using this communication method. But with this new way of conducting business, comes a need to make some changes, to the way we lead the meeting, to ensure we increase the chances of a successful outcome.

With this VTES you will learn how to adapt your sales skills and techniques to suit the new virtual client sales meeting environment.

Work & Wellbeing


Covid 19 is having a huge impact on all our lives and as uncertainty continues, it can be hard to stay positive and motivated.

Self-doubt can overcome anyone of us, and the longer this goes on the more likely we are to be affected.

Taking care of our personal wellbeing and helping others to do so, is an important skill, we all need. Knowing how to build resilience is key to maintaining both our physical and mental health.

This VTES will help you, both on a personal level and with team members to build resilience, reset priorities and redefine how to deal with the uncertainty of the coming months.

Effective Coaching Skills


Being an effective coach is a key skill for a manager in improving your team’s performance.

With the help of this workshop you will understand the importance of coaching and learn techniques to help you get the best from your people.

This VTES will provide a practical approach to coaching in a formal sit down meeting as well as coaching in the moment.

Coaching as a management style is explored and identifying the right time to coach.

How to be more Assertive in Challenging Situations


Being assertive is a useful skill to have in life.

In your everyday communications at work you need to be assertive when delegating, chairing, negotiating, motivating, selling, leading, disagreeing – you name it!

This workshop concentrates on building up your assertiveness skills so no matter what position you hold you can communicate more effectively ensuring you get your point across and achieve more successful outcomes.

You’ll learn how to handle challenging people and situations and how to say ‘No’ when you need too.

Managing challenging conversations is something that is sometimes avoided by managers, so this VTES will provide you with practical tips and techniques to help you structure these conversations in the right way.
You’ll learn how to deal with challenging situations creating win-win outcomes, wherever you can, and how to feel comfortable and assertive during the process, even when you can’t.

Performance Management


One of the key responsibilities of a leader is in managing and leading the performance of their team.

This workshop will help you deal appropriately with the under performers and the high performers, in your team.

Leadership & Management Styles


As a manager you need to demonstrate strong leadership and management skills to drive the performance of your people. But what is your leadership/management style? Is it working?

This workshop will provide you with the techniques and strategies to lead from the front and inspire the high performance levels that you want from your team.

Managing Change


Change is inevitable, so the modern day manager needs to be able to manage the change process effectively.

Whether you are thinking about the need for change, currently implementing change or managing the fallout of a recent change this workshop will equip you with the essential skills of change management.

Effective Time Management


Delivering on time is usually a crucial aspect of any business. However, increasingly there are more and more demands placed on our time, which can make hitting deadlines very challenging.

This workshop will provide you with some useful techniques and strategies to help you get organised and to manage your day more effectively.


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